Celebrating your baby’s first birthday is such a huge milestone. What a better way to always remember it than with a cake smash photo session.
When working with children, I do everything I can to move at a fun, quick pace. Although the photo session is scheduled for one hour, it doesn’t mean your little one will allow for me to capture them for that long. Therefore, I shoot a lot in a little amount of time, moving through outfit changes quickly – especially if we have a happy baby on our hands.
These photos are first and will last about 15 mins long. I will begin to capture your little one’s expressions while they are calm and clean. During this part of the session, be prepared to be running around after your little one, constantly sitting them back in the photo shoot area. At this age, they are always on the go!

If we are doing a cake smash, this part feels even faster! Once we bring in the cake, the photo session usually takes about 15 minutes. I let your baby set the pace, as some little ones are eager to dig into the cake & others are more hesitant. Thus, may need some encouragement. If your little one is shy about digging into the frosting, you might have to get in there & show them how it’s done. WARNING: Some little ones cry during this process. Some a lot, some a little, some not at all. They get messy, they get tired, they no longer want to be on the picture. This is when you break out their favorite treats & songs, so make sure to save the best for last! But just know – we will stick it out & keep shooting. Some of the best photos come in between screams!

And if they feel up to it, what better way to finish the photo session than with a quick bath. Makes them happy and gets them all clean!

Please contact me to document this special, fleeting moments- time just goes by so fast. Your baby’s first birthday is such a big milestone, document it with beautiful images.
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