What is it like having a baby during COVID-19 The pandemia has crushed so many dreams, so many milestones, so many memories. Weddings have been postponed, birthday parties have been cancelled, and trips of a lifetime have been forgotten. But COVID-19 has been especially difficult for those parents welcoming a newborn. As an Atlanta newborn photographer, I have heard so many heart moving stories of having a baby on their own, without their partner. Having grandparents unable to meet the baby and provide support- it has been heart-wrenching.
There is no way to cancel the birth of your baby. You have to go through with adapted birthing plans. You have to push through it no matter how difficult it will be. Mother’s have had to give birth alone in hospitals, have had no visitors, no baby showers, no newborn photos, no cooked meals from friends and families, and no grandparents to support them during these challenging times.
And I can only imagine how it is even more challenging if the parents are both physicians. Those essential employees, our heroes behind the scenes, battling this awful virus.
Meet baby Kaveh. He was born at the end of February. I had the honor to photograph right before the World Health Organization declared this a pandemic. Both of his parents are physicians. His dad, Dr Desai has been at the forefront treating patients. I asked Yogita and Dhaval to share their experience and this is what they had to say:
“Our son, Kaveh, was born end of February 2020. Just weeks before the coronavirus pandemic. We were lucky: we were not on additional heightened anxiety during delivery (it is stressful enough), we did not need to wear masks when we met our baby, and big sister and grandparents were able to visit in the hospital. We were able to spend a couple of weeks being normal (as possible with a newborn), and we got to have our newborn photos done!”
“As an added stress, however, we are both physicians. My time was already protected for maternity leave, but my husband, Dhaval, works on the frontline as a hospitalist. If Kaveh had come a few weeks later, Dhaval would not have had any time off to spend with his newborn. I have remained home with both kids, and Dhaval spends many hours away from home taking care of sick patients. Coming home to family has become a process with multiple changes of clothes and showering before even greeting me and kids with a hello! Our “new normal” is not what we expected. Nevertheless, we remain lucky and surely will have lots of stories to share with Kaveh about his initial months with us!!”
Our new normal might not be what we have ever fathomed, but we have to focus on the good and keep celebrating new life; as such, I’ll leave you a few shots from this beautiful session with baby Kaveh. Isn’t he the cutest little baby boy?

Please contact me to document this fleeting moments and have them last forever in these beautiful newborn photos. Remember, the ideal time to book is a few months before baby is born to assure availability.
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